
This blog is mainly a rambling kind of diary of the transition from smallholderwannabe to smallholder.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Pasties - yum

My husband has had a birthday.  Don't they seem to come round quickly as you get older : )

One daughter clubbed together with our son to buy him enough polycarbonate to reglaze the greenhouse that we were given.  Hopefully the polycarbonate will be less easily broken than glass. Our other daughter made him 8 meal sized Cornish pasties to put in the freezer and two more to eat straightaway which were hot from the oven.  She rang her grandmother up and asked how she used to make them so that they were authentic and not like the ones that you buy in the supermarket.  My mother-in-law used to make them every week for the family.  I can still remember my shock at the size on the first occasion that I ate one as it was hanging off the plate at each end.  My husband's family are from Devon and Cornwall so they are all used to "proper" pasties. There are 4 boys in the family so when I ate my first one, my mil was used to catering for 4 teenage-boy-and-upwards size appetites.  I had to leave half of mine and ate it cold for lunch the next day.  Our daughter made them huge too so we had them for dinner and lunch the next day.  And probably the same on 4 more occasions.  Yum! Good job we had managed to eat a bit of space in the freezer. The same daughter made him a fruit cake for Fathers' Day.

The way to a man's heart is through his stomach - is an old saying.  Definitely true in this house!

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